Do you know who I trust for guidance on ethics and my moral compass? A bunch of overpaid adult toddlers who occasionally remember how to kick a ball.
Yep, male footballers — the true pillars of society. I find their moral integrity, enviable. Their decisions, unassailable. And my sarcasm… a bit off the charts even by my standards.
Some footballers in the UK are refusing to wear the rainbow armbands, which promotes LGBT awareness, and takes a stand against homophobia.
Their reason for this is because they “hate gays”–although the official line is because of “religious beliefs”.
Oh, well that’s super interesting… Is that the same religion that forbids gambling? Because I’m pretty sure that massive gambling logo on your chest isn’t there for decoration.
Hypocrisy? From religious folks? I’m shocked…
Men’s game vs the women’s game
I’ve only recently started watching the men’s game because my friend is obsessed with it, and it also gives me and my dad something to talk about other than my current relationship status.
But I can tell you that women’s football is far better than men’s for three very good reasons:
1) It’s inclusive of everyone.
2) Women look amazing in shorts (Jen Beattie, please stop ignoring my DMs).
and 3) The vibe at games is much nicer.
I recently went to a women’s international match and I’m happy to report that no one burnt my jacket with a flare like they did at the men’s game, no one (that I know of) went home to beat their spouse because their team lost, and no one shoved a firework up their bum after being on the lash since 8.30am.
Religious beliefs = no rainbow armbands
But anyway, back to the rainbow armbands sitch.
I don’t think anyone should be forced to wear something they don’t want to — just like I shouldn’t have been forced to wear that green dress to my best friend’s 10th birthday party. My mother made me, and she’s paid the price by hearing me complain about it for the last 25 years.
But using “religious beliefs” as a reason is class-A bullshit.
Imagine someone saying, “I can’t support racial equality because of my religious beliefs.” Would that be ok? No, it wouldn’t be.
(Btw, I will admit that having every single thing covered in rainbow flags is a little overkill. Seriously Stonewall, chill… Like Hannah Gadsby famously said, the pride flag “Is just six really aggressive colors stacked on top of each other.”
But still…
The truth is, millions of people look up to these footballers (which is a terrifying thought) and as a captain or a footballer, you have a duty to show that everyone is welcome.
So let’s call it what it is. It’s hateful, it’s ignorant and it’s reinforcing the toxic culture within men’s football that LGBT people aren’t welcome.
Yay for the lady gays
Thankfully women’s football is full of gays, why do you think I like it so much? Seriously Jen Beattie, would you please reply to my messages?!
My “religious beliefs” tell me I shouldn’t communicate with dickheads, people who clap when the plane lands, or anyone who drives a BMW. But is that a good enough reason for me to run them off the road?
No, not according to the law it’s not.
If you don’t want to wear the rainbow armband, at least be honest and say, “I’m not going to wear it because I don’t support the LGBT community.”
But they won’t. Because even their excuses lack integrity.