I like my women like I like my dogs: licking my face after they’ve licked their own genitals
I like my women like I like my dogs: judging my friends by the scent of their arse
I like my women like I like my dogs: going absolutely ape shit after a bath
I like my women like I like my dogs: butt scooting across the carpet after not wiping their arse properly
I like my women like I like my dogs: suffering from extreme separation anxiety from me AND ME ALONE
I like my women like I like my dogs: someone who waits for my approval before taking the biscuit off her face
I like my women like I like my dogs: watching me on the toilet when I’m having an intense poo
I like my women like I like my dogs: someone who can never share any of my chocolate OR THEY WILL DIE
I like my women like I like my dogs: just tilting their head when I talk bollocks rather than trying to restrain me and calling the centre
I like my women like I like my pugs: gorgeous to me, but ugly to everyone else